Pilates- Yoga- Fitness
A Movement Studio
Downtown Boise & Remote
Whether you are training for an endurance event, recovering from an injury , or simply life in general, at Embody PIlates, Yoga & Fitness, you will find a space that invites you to grow into the best version of yourself.
Specializing in private training & Holistic health coaching , the team at Embody is passionate about helping our clients create and achieve their health and wellness goals through movement education.
Located in the heart of downtown boise, Embody Pilates Yoga & Fitness is your home for personalized, real results.
Embody Mission
Using a holistic approach,we teach our clients to :
- Move without pain
- To regain a sense of freedom through balanced movement
- Identify, embrace and leverage their strengths to create lasting change.
What We Do
Not all exercise is created equal. At embody, we strive to find the perfect fit for who you are and what you want to accomplish.
Private and Semi- Private Training
Unique, like you...
minutes Embody, we recognize the unique attributes each of our clients brings into the studio. Each session is designed to meet you where you are at in your journey, and challenge you to achieve more than you thought possible.Our instructors will teach you not just how to move better , but to understand how your body works in day to day life. Our instructors are diverse in their backgrounds and training. Instruction includes Pilates ( classical and contemporary) on all apparatuses, Yoga, Biomechanics, TRX, Kettlebells, Strength and Conditioning and Barre. We recognize that not all are comfortable coming into the studio. As such, we are happy to schedule either virtual sessions or meet outdoors.
Private sessions:
Introductory pacakage of five (New clients only) : $325
Single session: $75
Schedule your free 30 minute by filling out the form below.
Health Coaching
Empowering clients in health and life
Whatever your goal is with health, wellness and fitness, a health coach can help you to streamline your approach to success. Through the implementation of exercise psychology , effective goal setting and behavioral change strategies, your coach will help you to create a successful lifestyle plan that is unique to you and your needs. Coaching sessions can be held in person or via Zoom.
Each coaching package is as unique as you are, as such, plan prices are subject to differ based on the duration of coaching and add on options.
Schedule your free 30 minute by filling out the form below.
Small Group Classes
Inspiration and Motivation
drop-inOur small group classes are designed to challenge participants in a fun and supportive environment. All fitness levels are encouraged. Classes are offered indoors as well as outdoors seasonally. Class offerings include Pilates Mat, Pilates Mixed Equipment Circuit, Yoga, and Bootcamp. Can't make it to a class? We also offer video subscriptions as well as live video classes.
Interested in setting up a small group class for you and your friends? Let's talk!
Check our classes here
Workplace Wellness
Creating a healthier environment for your employees
,full-servicewalk-through30-minuteWith fifteen years of experience in providing workplace wellness in the Boise area, we are leaders in developing and providing full service fitness in your facility. In addition to group fitness, we offer personal training and health coaching. Benefits of a wellness program at your business include: Decreased stress, increased productivity, reduced absenteeism and improved morale.
Contact Melissa directly to set up a walk through of your facility and pricing
Aquatic Fitness Revolution
Experience aquatic exercise, like you never have before.
New to the Embody Portfolio is aquatic fitness classes & personal training.
Embody's aqua fitness classes will change not only the way you think about water fitness but will also change the way you feel & the way you move.
Melissa has twenty years of experience leading aquatic group fitness and personal training. She is also an AEA Aquatic Training Specialist. Melissa specializes in creating challenging, results-driven classes suitable for all ages & abilities.
Please see the Aqua-Fit Revolution Page for more information.
"It is hard for me to overstate my wonder and the gratitude I feel to the women of Embody for the transformative nature of the last few years. I was originally looking for an "exercise program" that would replace a life of playing and coaching competitive sports and their performance metrics like speed, reps, goals scored or saves made, victory, and defeat. I wanted to become stronger, lighter, more flexible, and heal injuries...but without gyms, supplements, etc. Callie and Melissa have taught me that these goals were only the beginning. Instead of trying to find the time to "work out" within a demanding set of life priorities, they have taught me that purposeful movement is the thread of every day. Through a combination of biomechanics, yoga, and traditional Pilates, they have changed my whole body, mind, and spirit. I am growing younger from the inside out. They challenge me both physically and mentally every day. Life hasn't just changed for me, it's new, beyond restorative into transformative."
Melissa’s intuitive nature paired with her knowledge of body movement means that she knows what my body needs long before I do. She tells me what she see, reminds me of my patterns and weaves in movements that give me subtle, long-lasting changes to my wellness. Her ability to make a quick change to my workout to meet my body’s needs is vital to my progress. Investing in 1:1 time with Melissa is at the top of my strategy list for my ongoing wellness plan.
Jenny B.
"I was able to have a healthy pregnancy without back pain, something I didn’t think was possible until I met her!"Callie gave me a part of my life back that I thought was lost forever. I battled debilitating low back pain for about eight years prior to meeting her. I developed extreme anxiety from not knowing what caused my pain, and being told that exercises I used to do, might be causing my spasms. I was afraid to bend over and limited myself on daily activities. Callie helped me understand the mind body connection between pain, and we gently confronted my fear of movement. She helped me understand that my body can move and should move! That it feels better when I move! She is easy to talk to and really listens to what you're saying so she can understand how your body's acting and address the root of your problems. I have my life and personality back! I feel confident and am no longer afraid. I have been able to take care of my son and move and play with him without worry, thanks to Callie!
For inquiries:
We would love to meet you! Please send your inquiry and we will be in contact within 48 business hours.
Embody : A Movement Studio
Pilates, Yoga and Fitness
816 W. Bannock St
Suite 508
Boise Idaho
83702Mon-Fri: 7:00 am- 7:00 pm
Sat:By appointment only208-602-0976CLEANING PROTOCOL
In response to COVID 19 and to ensure the health of all of our clients year round, we uphold the highest standards of cleanliness
At Embody, we recognize that your health, safety and security comes first. Our promise to you is that all equipment is sanitized after every use and all hard surfaces are disinfected after each guest. The floor is mopped daily with a sanitizing solution. Hand sanitizer and masks are available in the studio for you and our staff. If you have specific concerns, we are happy to address those privately with you.
Find us on FB :
@embody boise
Contact Us
© 2019